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Teacher Dashboard

Screen Sharing

Share your screen with your students or share a student's screen with the other students in your class.

Share your screen with the students in your class.


Your school administrator can disable this option. If you cannot access this option, please contact your school administrator.

To share your screen with the class

  1. Click the SHARE SCREEN button. The Would you like to enable microphone when screensharing? prompt appears.

  2. Click Yes to enable your microphone while sharing your screen or click Cancel if you do not want to enable your microphone. The Choose what to share window opens and defaults to Entire Screen.Choose to share your entire screen, a window, or a tab.


    When sharing the entire screen, select the Share screen audio checkbox to share your audio.


    When sharing a tab, click the tab on the left side of the window and preview it on the right side. Select the Share tab audio checkbox to share your audio.

    Share Teacher Entire Screen Option
    Share Teacher Window Option
    Share Teacher Chrome Tab Option
  3. Click Entire Screen, Window, or Chrome Tab, and click Share. The message Blocksi share screen initialized. appears on your screen. Click Close to remove the message. The selection you made appears on all the students' screens.

  4. To stop sharing your screen, click the Stop Sharing button at the bottom of your screen.

Share a student's screen with you or with the other students in your class.

To share a student's screen with you

  1. Click the student's tile. The following window opens.

    Show Student Screen Window
  2. Click the See Student Stream Icon button on your screen to start the feed. The following window opens on the student’s screen.

    Share Student Screen Window
  3. Tell the student to click inside the image of their screen and click Share. That student’s screen is now visible to you.

  4. Click the Stop Sharing Student Stream Icon button on your screen to end the feed.

To share a student's screen with the class

  1. Click the Share Student Stream to All Icon icon below the student's tile. The following window opens on the student’s screen.

    Share Student Screen Window
  2. Tell the student to click inside the image of their screen and click Share. That student’s screen is now visible to you and to all the students in the class.

  3. Click the Stop Sharing Student Stream Icon button on your screen to end the feed.