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Delegate Dashboard

Areas of Concern

Areas of Concern contains a graphical representation of how a student has received or sent questionable material. These include the following:

  • Google Emails

  • Outlook Emails

  • Google Chats

  • Images

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Slides

  • Search Engine Searches

  • YouTube Searches

Areas of Concern Screen Data Section

Hovering your mouse cursor over a portion of the pie chart displays the following information:

Areas of Concern Screen Emails

In this instance, there were 111 email threats for the selected organizational unit during the selected timeframe. Threats make up part of the classifiers used to identify the type of content. Classifiers include the following:

  • Cyberbullying

  • Threat

  • Mental health

  • Adult Images

  • Images of Violence

  • Mass Violence

Please see Reviewing Student Safety Statistics for detailed information on the areas of concern.


Areas of Concern is closely integrated with Blocksi Alerts, which appears below Areas of Concern in the Main Menu.

This section of the Areas of Concern screen shows the classifiers. What you select here changes the results accordingly. This section also contains the student search text box and a filter to select to view the top 25, 50, 100, or 200 student safety incidents.

Areas of Concern Screen Safety Types Section

To review student safety statistics

  1. Click Student Safety from the Main Menu. The Areas of Concern screen appears. The timeframe defaults to the last 24 hours.

    Areas of Concern Screen

    Review statistics by student, timeframe, and organizational unit (OU).

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click a different timeframe in the Timeframe section to change the timeframe. Be aware that the results reflect the events that occurred during the timeframe for the OU selected in the Org. Unit section.

    • Click an OU from the ORG UNIT section to change the OU. Be aware that the results reflect the events that occurred for this OU during the timeframe selected in the Timeframe section.

    • Type a student’s name in the Search student... text box and click the search icon that appears to the right. Be aware that the results reflect the events that occurred for this student during the timeframe selected in the Timeframe section.

This section of the Areas of Concern screen shows the results for the selections you made. In this image, you can see that there are results for three students. These results show the number of emails and images for each student. Click inside each graph to see the emails sent and received. Click an image beneath the graph to see images saved by the student on their Google drive.

Areas of Concern Screen Results Section

For example, clicking inside the graph opens the following window. Refer to the descriptions on the image.

Areas of Concern Screen Emails

Hovering your mouse cursor over each bar in the bar chart displays the data for that particular safety type, as shown below. Here you can see that there were 150 self-harm instances during May 2021.

Areas of Concern Screen Emails

Clicking the Show Issue button for an email displays the contents of that email, as shown below.

Areas of Concern Screen Emails Open

Click the image icon below the graph to open the following window, which shows the images saved by the student on their Google drive.

Areas of Concern Screen Images

This section of the Areas of Concern screen shows the organizational units (OUs) within your school district. This is where you select the OUs for your search.

Areas of Concern Screen Org Unit Section

To enable student safety

  1. Click Student Safety from the Main Menu and then click Areas of Concern from its sub-menu. The Student Safety screen appears.

    Areas of Concern Screen
  2. Click the Toggle Student Safety button to enable student safety.

    Areas of Concern Screen Toggle Section

This section of the Areas of Concern screen shows the number of mass violence alerts generated by each student across your district.

Mass Violence Alerts Section

Click DRAW CHART to view a bar chart of the selected mass violence alert scoring.

This section of the Areas of Concern screen shows the number of alerts generated by each student across your district.

Students at Risk Section

Click DRAW CHART to view a bar chart of the selected student alert scoring.