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Exception Lists

You can block and allow access to sites and specific URLs by adding them to the exception list. You can also share exception lists with other users in your organizational unit (OU).

You can create as many exception lists as you need.

To create an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen
  2. Type the name of the list in the Enter list name text box.

  3. Click Create List+ to add the list. The new list appears at the bottom of the list.


Lists that have been shared with you by other users in your OU appear in the lower half of the page.

You can block and allow as many specific URLs as you need in an exception list.

To block and allow URLs

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Edit Icon
  2. Locate the list for which you want to block and allow URLs, and click the Edit Icon icon (or you can create a new list). The Edit screen appears.

    Exception List Edit Screen
  3. Type the URL in the Enter URL text box.

  4. Click the Block or Allow button.

  5. Click Add to List + to add the URL to the list. The URL you entered appears after the examples. Note that the Allow button to the right of the URL name is selected (appears in blue).


You can change a blocked URL to an allowed URL and vice versa at any time by clicking the Block or Allow button. Click Update to block or allow the URL.


You can also delete the URL from the list by clicking the Delete Icon icon. A confirmation prompt appears. Click OK to delete the URL.


You can also add URLs to the exception list from the Web Analytics screen. See Adding a URL to an Exception List for details.

You can add URLs to exception lists directly from the Web Analytics screen.

To add a URL

  1. Click Insights from the Main Menu. The Web Analytics screen appears.

  2. Click the blue document icon to the left of a website name in the Popular Websites section. The Add Website to Exception List window opens.

    Add Website to Exception List Window
  3. Select the desired list from the Exception List drop-down list.

  4. Click Allow or Block to indicate whether you want to block or allow the website.

  5. Click SAVE to add the website. The website is added to the selected exception list.

You can delete a URL from an exception list when you no longer need it.

To delete a URL from an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Edit Icon
  2. Locate the list that contains the URL you want to delete and click the Edit Icon icon. The Edit screen appears.

    Exception List Edit Screen - Delete Icon
  3. Click the Delete Icon icon to the right of the desired URL. A confirmation prompt appears.

  4. Click OK to delete the URL from the list. The URL is deleted from the list.

You can rename an exception list as needed.

To rename an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen
  2. Locate the list that you want to rename, and click the list name. A box opens to allow you to rename the list. Note that Save and Cancel buttons have been added to the right of the name, as shown below.

    Change List Name
  3. Rename the list and click the Save button.

You can modify an exception list as needed.

To modify an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Edit Icon
  2. Locate the name of the list you want to modify, and click the Edit Icon icon to the right of the list name. The Edit screen appears.

    Exception List Edit Screen
  3. Make the necessary changes to the list.

You can export your exception lists to a .csv file to open in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.

To export an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Export Icon
  2. Locate the list that you want to export, and click the Export File Icon icon. The file appears in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and is saved to your Downloads folder.

  3. Navigate to your Downloads folder to open it and save it.


In the spreadsheet, URLs that are blocked are indicated by a 1; URLs that are allowed are represented by a 0.

You can use an existing list to create a new one.

To duplicate an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Duplicate Icon
  2. Locate the list to duplicate, and click the Duplicate Icon icon. The Duplicate List window opens.

    Duplicate List Window
  3. Type the name of the new list in the text box.

  4. Click OK to add the list. The duplicated list appears at the bottom of the list. It contains the same URLs as the original list.

  5. Make any desired changes to the new list and save it.

You can delete exception lists when you no longer need them.

To delete an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Delete Icon
  2. Locate the list that you want to delete, and click the Delete Icon icon to the right of the list. A confirmation prompt appears.

  3. Click OK to delete the list. The list is deleted.

You can share exception lists with other users in your organizational unit (OU).


At any time, you can click the Information Icon icon to the right of a list name to see who has edited that list. You can also click the Information Icon icon to the right of a list name in the Shared Lists by Other Delegates section to see who owns that list.

To share an exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Share List Option
  2. Locate the list to share and enable Share List. This list is now shared with all users in your OU.


If you want to allow the other users to modify your list, enable Editable. This allows the users you have shared the list with to be able to add and remove URLs from the list. They cannot change the name of the list.

You can modify shared exception lists if you are given permission by the owner of the list.

To modify a shared exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Edit Shared List Icon
  2. Locate the list you want to modify in the Shared Lists by Other Delegates section.

  3. Click the Edit Icon icon. One of the following happens:

  • If you are allowed to modify the list, you are taken to the Exception List Edit page, from which you can add and remove URLs.

    Exception List Screen - Edit Shared List Screen
  • If you are not allowed to modify the list, the following message appears in red at the top of the page: List editing disabled by list owner, followed by the username of the owner.


If you want to see the username of the list owner, hover your mouse cursor over the information icon.

You can export your exception lists to a .csv file to open in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.

To export a shared exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Export Shared List Icon
  2. Locate the list that you want to export in the Shared Lists by Other Delegates section, and click the Export File Icon icon. The file appears in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and is saved to your Downloads folder.

  3. Navigate to your Downloads folder to open it and save it.


In the spreadsheet, URLs that are blocked are indicated by a 1; URLs that are allowed are represented by a 0.

You can duplicate shared exception lists if you are given permission by the owner of the list.

To duplicate a shared exception list

  1. Click Filtering from the Main Menu and then click Exception List from its sub-menu. The Exception List screen appears.

    Exception List Screen - Duplicate Shared List Icon
  2. Locate the list you want to duplicate in the Shared Lists by Other Delegates section.

  3. Click the Duplicate Icon icon. The Duplicate List window opens.

    Duplicate List Window
  4. Type the name of the new list in the text box.

  5. Click OK to add the list. The duplicated list appears at the bottom of the list. It contains the same URLs as the original list.

  6. Make any desired changes to the new list and save it.