The Users Table lists all children you are monitoring. From here, create and change your child's alias, specify times during which they can access certain Web sites, assign exception lists, pause the internet, see the student filtering and logging status, and delete students from the list.

Create aliases for your child. These aliases are used when the Hide Student Identity option on the Parent Settings page of the Admin Dashboard is set to ON.
To specify the exception list
Locate the child to whom to assign the exception list in the Users Table.
Select the desired exception list from the drop-down list in the Exception List column.
Selecting the Apply to all checkbox applies the same exception list you selected to all children in the Users Table.
Assign exception lists to your child to block and allow access to websites and specific URLs.
To specify the exception list
Locate the child to whom to assign the exception list in the Users Table.
Select the desired exception list from the drop-down list in the Exception List column.
Selecting the Apply to all checkbox applies the same exception list you selected to all children in the Users Table.
Specify which Access Time Control filter applies to your child to set the times during which they can access the internet or popular applications like YouTube or Facebook.
To specify the Access Time Control filter
Locate the child for whom to specify the Access Time Control filter in the Users Table.
Select the desired Access Time Control filter from the drop-down list in the Access Time Control column.
Selecting the Apply to all checkbox applies the same Access Time Control filter you selected to all children in the Users Table.
Prevent your child from accessing the internet by pausing it.
To pause the internet
Locate the child for whom to pause the internet in the Users Table.
Click the Pause internet button to the right of the child's name; the button turns red indicating that internet access is turned off for your child. Your child cannot access anything on the internet.
The Student Filtering and Logging is a status indicator for what is allowed by the Set Parent Filtering settings on the Admin and Delegate Dashboards. There are two statuses:
Enabled - Indicates that you have access to all filtering options.
Disabled - Indicates that you do not have access to any filtering options.
If allowed, delete students from the Users Table on your dashboard when you no longer need them.
This option does not appear if your Admin has disabled it.
To delete students from the Users Table
Locate the child to delete in the Users Table.
Click Delete to the far right of the child's name. A confirmation prompt appears.
Click OK to delete the child from the table.