Administrators and Roles
Set up administrator accounts and assign roles here.
Add as many administrators as you need.
To add an administrator
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Click Add New + in the Administrators section. The screen expands to include additional fields, as shown below.
Type the email of the new administrator in the Enter email address text box.
If additional administrators belong to a different domain than the Blocksi super admin account, ensure that you include the domain in the Admin Dashboard Settings. Edit these settings from the User Icon on the Action Bar.
Select a role for the administrator from the Select role drop-down list.
Click Add > to add the role. The new role appears to the right.
Click Save to add the administrator. The new administrator is added and appears at the end of the listing. Blocksi sends this new administrator an email informing them that they can access their account.
Manage role-based access to the Blocksi Admin Dashboard by selecting the necessary features to provide for each role. Add as many roles as you need.
To add a role
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Click Create New + in the Roles section. The screen expands to include additional fields.
Type a name for the new role in the Enter a new role name text box.
Select the checkboxes for the permissions to assign to this role.
Click Save to add the role. The new role is added and appears at the end of the listing.
There may be times when you need to change the permissions for a role.
To change role permissions
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Locate the name of the role to modify in the Roles section, and click the
icon to the right of the role name. The screen expands to include additional fields, as shown below.
Make the necessary changes to the role, and click Save.
There may be times when you need to change or add new roles for an administrator.
To change administrator roles
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Locate the name of the administrator to modify in the Administrator section, and click the
icon to the right of the administrator name. The screen expands to include additional fields, as shown below.
Make the necessary changes to the administrator, and click Save.
Import accounts from organizational units (OUs) and assign roles to them.
To import accounts from OUs
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Click Import from OU in the Administrators section. The Import from OU window opens.
Select one or more OUs from which to import the accounts on the left side of the window.
Select a role from the Select a role drop-down list on the right side of the window.
Click Add to add the account. The assigned account role appears beneath the Add button.
Click Import Accounts at the bottom of the window. Blocksi imports the accounts.
Delete administrators when you no longer need them.
To delete an administrator
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Locate the administrator to delete in the Administration section, and click the
icon to the right of the administrator name. A confirmation prompt appears.
Click OK to delete the administrator.
You cannot delete your own account.
Delete roles when you no longer need them.
To delete a role
Click Dashboard Settings from the Main Menu and then click Administrators and Roles from its sub-menu. The Administrator and Roles screen appears.
Locate the role to delete in the Roles section, and click the
icon to the right of the role name. A confirmation prompt appears.
Click OK to delete the role.